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My Academic Biography

WHAT is Nutcracker Syndrome?

Nutcracker Syndrome (NCS) is a clinical condition that occurs as a result of compression of the left renal vein. The syndrome was first described by Grantin in 1937. The most common compression of the left renal vein between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. As a result, this type is defined as the "anterior type". Less commonly, "posterior NCS" may occur as a result of compression of the retroaortic left renal vein between the aorta and the vertebra. Pressure on the left renal vein obstructs blood flow The resulting increase in pressure in the vein causes congestion in the left kidney.

My Personal Biography

Cukurova Univ. Faculty of Medicine KVC USA Faculty Member Balcalı Hospital 



1985 - Atatürk High School
1992 - Erciyes Faculty of Medicine
1996-2002 - Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine
2002 - Çukurova University Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist
2011 - Çukurova University Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery


Foreign Language Knowledge: English
Computer Knowledge: Available


Cukurova Unv. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery
Assoc. Dr - 2002 2012
I have been working as a lecturer in Çukurova University Pediatric and Adult Cardiovascular Surgery since 2002. I have a certificate approved by the Ministry of Health to provide Education and Training in Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery.


Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery National Association
of Vascular Surgery
National Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

Pediatric CV Surgery

Pediatric CV Surgery 




Dear visitor,
You can contact us for information about Professor Doctor Hakan Poyrazoğlu and his team, one of the most valuable surgeons in Turkey in the field of heart diseases and surgical procedures. Meet with Çukurova University and Medline Hospitals Cardiovascular Surgery team. Please call for your questions.





Αγαπητέ επισκέπτη,
Μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας για πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον καθηγητή Γιατρό Hakan Poyrazoğlu και την ομάδα του, έναν από τους πιο πολύτιμους χειρουργούς στην Τουρκία στον τομέα των καρδιακών παθήσεων και των χειρουργικών επεμβάσεων. Συναντηθείτε με την ομάδα Καρδιαγγειακής Χειρουργικής του Πανεπιστημίου Çukurova και της Medline Hospitals. Καλέστε για τις ερωτήσεις σας.




Уважаемый посетитель,
Вы можете связаться с нами для получения информации о профессоре докторе Хакане Пойразоглу и его команде, одном из самых ценных хирургов в Турции в области сердечных заболеваний и хирургических процедур. Встретьтесь с командой сердечно-сосудистой хирургии Университета Чукурова и больницы Medline. Пожалуйста, звоните по вашим вопросам.




Lieber Besucher,
Sie können uns kontaktieren, um Informationen über Professor Dr. Hakan Poyrazoğlu und sein Team zu erhalten, einen der wertvollsten Chirurgen in der Türkei auf dem Gebiet der Herzerkrankungen und chirurgischen Eingriffe. Treffen Sie sich mit dem Team für Herz-Kreislauf-Chirurgie der Universität Çukurova und des Medline Hospitals. Bitte rufen Sie uns für Ihre Fragen an.






بازدید کننده محترم
برای کسب اطلاعات در مورد پروفسور دکتر هاکان پویرازوغلو و تیمش یکی از جراحان ارزشمند ترکیه در زمینه بیماری های قلبی و روش های جراحی می توانید با ما تماس بگیرید. با تیم جراحی قلب و عروق دانشگاه Çukurova و بیمارستان Medline ملاقات کنید. لطفا برای سوالات خود تماس بگیرید.




عزيزي الزائر ،
يمكنك الاتصال بنا للحصول على معلومات حول البروفيسور الدكتور هاكان بويراز أوغلو وفريقه ، أحد أكثر الجراحين قيمة في تركيا في مجال أمراض القلب والعمليات الجراحية. قابل فريق جراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية بجامعة جوكوروفا ومستشفيات ميدلاين. يرجى الاتصال لأسئلتك.





My Academic Studies


A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:

A1. Topcuoğlu, Ş., H. Yaliniz, H. Poyrazoğlu, A.Tokcan, C.Demir, A.Bozkurt and H.Zeren. "Intravenous Leiomyomatosis Extending Into the Right Ventricle After Subtotal Hysterectomy. A Case Report", Ann. Thorac Surg 78 , 330-332( 2004).
A2. Yaliniz, H., A. Tokcan, H. Zeren, T. Ulus, B. Kısacıkoğlu, OK Salih, Ş. Topçuoğlu, H. Poyrazoğlu , and C. Alhan, "Effects on Reperfusion Injury of Adding Diltiazem to Tepid Cardioplegia " The Heart Surgery Forum  5 ,

 , (2004). ., A.Tokcan, T.Ulus, B.Kısacıkoğlu, OKSalih, Ş.Topçuoğlu, H.Poyrazoğluand C.Alhan. " A Rare Presentation of Cardiac Hydatid Cyst: Stroke and Acute Aortic Occlusion.A Case Report" The Heart Surgery Forum 5 , 1056-7,( 2004).
A4. Yalsız, H., A. Tokcan, T. Ulus and H. Poyrazoğlu , ''Aorto-cutaneus Fistula: complication of coronary artery bypass graft operation'', Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 46(6) , 596, (2005)
A5. Poyrazoğlu, H. , S. Paydaş, A. Uğuz , E. Erken, F. Yıldırım, C. Kurt and T. Ulus, '' Dramatic Improvement of Pulmonary Mucormycosis After Surgery in Case Without Immunodeficiency'', Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice, 14(6) , 403-405, (2006 )

 Küçükosmanoğlu , O., H. Poyrazoğlu, M.S. Topçuoğlu, S. Erdem, T. Erman, and N. Özbarlas, ''Right Pulmonary artery-left atrial communication presenting with brain abcess: a case report'', The Turkish of Pediatrics, 48 ​​, 373-375, (2006).
A7. Poyrazoğlu, H. , MK Avşar, F. Tor, ''An Unusual Penetrating Neck Trauma In Zone III'', The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 9(1) , 1-7, (2007).
A8. Poyrazoğlu, HH , F. Tor, MK Avşar, İ. Bayraktar, S. Paydaş and T. Ulus, ''Vertebral Tuberculosis Mimicking Malignant Vertebral and Spinal Cord Tumors'', The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 9(1) , 1-7, (2007).

A9. Poyrazoglu, HH
, F. Tor, MK Avşar, S. Erdem, C. Kayhan, N. Özbarlas and OK Salih, ''A Novel Approach for Off-Pump Atrial Septostomy Applications'', The Heart Surgery Forum, 10(6) , 342- 345 (2007). Neth J Med, 65(3) , 117-118, (2007).
A10. Özbarlas, N., S. Erdem, O. Küçükosmanğlu, H. Poyrazoğlu and OK Salih, ''Congenital Aotro-Left Atrial Tunnel-An Unusual Communication: A Case Report'' The Heart Surgery Forum, 10(1) , 44- 46, 2007
A11. Poyrazoğlu, HH , MK Avşar, F. Tor, S. Erdem, U. Göçen, İ. Bayraktar, C. Kayhan, N. Özbarlas and OK Salih, ''Systemic Pulmonary Shunt Performed with Shelhigh Internal Mammary Artery: Early Results'', The Heart Surgery Forum, 11(1) , E50-3, (2008).
A12. Parsak, CK, H. Poyrazoglu, O. Yalav, G. Sakman and F. Doran, ''A Rare Complication of Abdominal Aortic Reconstructive Surgery:Sigmoidal Necrotic mucosal Prolapse:First Presentation In The Literature'', Chirurgia, (In Press).
A13. Çaylı, M., M. Canadası, O. Akpınar, A. Usal, and H. Poyrazoğlu , ''Diastolic Function Predicts Outcome After Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Chronic Severe Aortic Regurtation'', Clinical Cardiology, (In Press)
A14. Çaylı, M., M. Canadası, O. Akpınar, A. Usal, and H. Poyrazoğlu , ''Relationship Between Left Ventricular Geometry and Left Ventricular systolic and Diastolic Functations in Patients with Chronic Severe Aortic Regurtation'', The Echocardiography Journal, ( in print).
A15. Poyrazoglu, H., F. Tor, MK Avşar, I. Bayraktar and T.Ulus,''An Unusual Approach to a Ruptured hydatic cyst case which had been treated with a wrong diagnosis'', Indian Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery, (In Press).

A16. Poyrazoğlu, H.
 , F. Tor, MK Avşar, İ. Bayraktar and T. Ulus,'' Endobronchial Hamartoma in a Case with Neurofibromatosis'', Advances In Therapy, (in press).
A17. Poyrazoğlu, H. , MK Avşar, F. Tor and M.Ş. Topçuoğlu, ''Bilateral Artery Entrapment Syndrome'', Chirurgia, (In press).

B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:

B1. Küçükosmanoğlu, O., H. Poyrazoğlu , Ş. Topçuoğlu, S. Erdem, T. Erman and N. Özbarlas, "Right Pulmonary Artery Left Atrial Tunnel Presenting with Brain Abscess: A Case Report", Association for European Peadiatric Cardiology, XXXIX Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, Vol. (14) 74, 19-22 May 2004.
B2. Yaliniz, H., A. Tokcan, T. Ulus, B. Kısacıkoğlu, OK Salih, Ş. Topçuoğlu, H. Poyrazoğlu , H. Zeren and C. Alhan. "The Effect on Diltiazem Supplemented Tepid Cardioplegia on Reperfusion Injury" The 10th Annual CTT Meeting Florida March 2004.
B3. Yaliniz, H., A. Tokcan, T. Ulus, B. Kısacıkoğlu, OK Salih, Ş. Topçuoğlu, H. Poyrazoğluand C. Alhan. "A Rare Presentation of Cardiac Hydatid Cyst: Stroke and Acute Aortic Occlusion". The 10th Annual CTT Meeting Florida March 2004.
B4. Yalsız, H., A. Tokcan, OK Salih, H. Poyrazoğlu ,C. Alhan, T. Ulus, B. Kısacıkoğlu and Ş. Topçuoğlu "Surgical Treatment Of Pseudoaneurysm After The Resection of Left Ventricular Aneurysm.The Europan Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. 53rd International Congress". SLOVENIA, June 2-5,2004.
B5. Yalin, H., A. Tokcan, B. Kısacıkoğlu, T. Ulus, OK Salih, Ş. Topçuoğlu, C. Alhan and H. Poyrazoğlu "Latrogenic Left Ventricular Pseudoaneursym After Left Ventriculography" 53rd International Congress The Europan Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. SLOVENIA, June 2-5 2004.
B6.Yalın, H., A. Tokcan, H. Poyrazoğlu , T. Ulus, B. Kısacıkoğlu, OK Salih, S. Topçuoğlu, and C. Alhan "Is there a correlation between chlamydia pneumoniae and locus of atherosclerotic plaques?" 21st World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Rome, Italy, May 22-26 2004.
B7. Yalin, H., A. Tokcan, B. Kısacıkoğlu, T. Ulus, OK Salih, MS Topçuoğlu, C. Alhan, and H. Poyrazoğlu "Coronary ostial aneurysm after bentall operation" 21st World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Rome, Italy, May 22-26 2004.
B8. Yalin, H., A. Tokcan, B. Kısacıkoğlu, T. Ulus, OK Salih, S. Topçuoğlu, C. Alhan, and H. Poyrazoğlu"Aortocutaneusa fistula and an ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm after aortocoronary bypass surgery. 21st World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Rome, Italy, May 22-26 2004.
B9. Yalýn, H., A. Tokcan, T. Ulus, B. Kısacıkoğlu, OK Salih, S. Topçuoğlu, C. Alhan, and H. Poyrazoğlu "A rare presentation of cardiac hydatid cyst:stroke and acute aortic occlusion. 21st World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Rome, Italy, May 22-26 2004.
B10. Yalin, H., A. Tokcan, MS Topçuoğlu, OK Salih, B. Kısacıkoğlu, T. Ulus and H. Poyrazoğlu , O. Dost. "Congenital Intrapericardial Aneursym of the Left Atrial Appendage". 9th. All Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons Moscow, 18-21 November 2003.
B11. Yalin, H., MS Topçuoğlu, A. Tokcan, OK Salih, B. Kısacıkoğlu, T. Ulus and H. Poyrazoğlu , O. Dost. "Iatrogenic Left Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm After Left Ventriculography". 9th. All Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons Moscow 18-21 November 2003.
B12. Yalin, H., C. Kayhan, A. Tokcan, T. Ulus, B. Kısacıkoğlu, OK Salih, T. Ulus, MS Topçuoğlu and H. Poyrazoğlu , O. Dost "The Effect of interleukins on Postoperative Morbidity in Cardiopulmonary Bypass" . 9th. All Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons Moscow 18-21 November 2003.
B13. Erdem, S., N. Özbarlas, O. Küçükosmanoğlu, H. Poyrazoğluand OK Salih, ''Long Term Follow up of Children With Isolated VSD:A Study Involving 799 Cases'', The Fourth World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-22 September 2005.
B14. Erdem, S., N. Özbarlas, O. Küçükosmanoğlu, H. Poyrazoğlu and OK Salih, ''TEI Index Determined BY Tissue Doppler Imaging In Patients With Tetralogy of Fallot After Corrective Surgery'', The Fourth World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-22 September 2005.

Özbarlas, N., S. Erdem, H. Poyrazoğlu, O. Küçükosmanoğlu and OK Salih, ''Congenital Aorto-Left Atrial Tunnel: An Unusual Communication, The Fourth World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-22 September 2005.
B16. Özbarlas, N., S. Erdem, H. Poyrazoğlu , O. Küçükosmanoğlu and OK Salih, ''Takayasu's Arteritis In Early Infancy'', The Fourth World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-22 September 2005.
B17. Poyrazoğlu, HH , MK Avşar, F. Tor, OK Salih, B. Çiftçi, S. Erdem and N. Özbarlas, ''A Novel Approach For Off Pump Atrial Septostomy Applications'', 3rd Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascularsurgery, November 28, 2007.
B18. Poyrazoglu, HH, MK Avşar, F. Tor, B. Çiftçi, İ. Bayraktar and S. Yıldırım, ''Systemic Pulmonary Shunt Performed by Using Shelhigh Internal'', 3rd Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascularsurgery, 28 November 2007.
B19. Parsak, CK, H. Poyrazoğlu , O. Yalav, G. Sakman, and F. Doran, "A Rare Complication of Abdominal Aortic Reconstructive Surgery: Necrotic Mucosal Prolapse: First Presentation in the Literature". Fourth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Sorrento, 2007.

D. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:

D1. Yalin, H., A.Tokcan, H. Zeren, B. Kısacıkoğlu, Ş.Topçuoğlu, and  H.Poyrazoğlu "Effects of cold blood and warm blood cardioplegia supplemented with diltiazem on myocardial protection (Clinical study)", Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of Ç.Ü. , 28 ,41-55,(2003)
D2. Yalın, H. , H.Poyrazoğlu , Ş. Topçuoğlu and A. Tokcan, ''Current indications for carotid endarterectomy'', Journal of Archives of Ç.Ü. ,

 , ( 1999 ) . -9, (1998) D4. Demir, M., O. Kara, M. Koç, Y. Dönmez,
H.Poyrazoğlu and E. Acartürk, "Original Images: A Primary Malignant Cardiac Tumor Case suggestive of Pericardial Tuberculosis" Anadolu Journal of Cardiology, 3 , 80, (2003).
D5. Yalin, H., OK Salih, A. Tokcan, H.Poyrazoğlu , N. Özbarlas, "Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction Using Contegratm VenPro Valved Heterograft Conduit in Ross Procedure", Anadolu Journal of Cardiology, 4 , 79-81, (2004).
D6. Erdem, S., O. Küçükosmanoğlu , OK Salih, H. Poyrazoğlu , Ş. Erdoğan, N. Tunalı, N. Özbarlas, "A Case Report: Rhabdomyoma Caused Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction in an Infant" The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology; 3 ,171-3, (2003).
D7. Topçuoğlu, M.Ş., H.Poyrazoğlu , C. Alhan. "Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery" Doctor, Medical & Scientific News Magazine. (4) 18 , 64-66, (2003).  
D8. Poyrazoğlu, HH , MK Avşar, F. Tor, M. Çaylı, E. Acartürk and T. Ulus, ''Giant Left Atrial Thrombus in Morbid Obes Patient'', Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, (In Press).

E. Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:

E1. Yalin, H., A. Tokcan, T. Ulus, O. Salih, MS Topçuoğlu and H. Poyrazoğlu , " Aortacutaneus Fistula After Aorta-Coronary Bypass", Turkish Cardiovascular Society VIII. National Congress, 94 EP8-04 Cappadocia, 1-5 September 2004.
E2. Yalin, H., A. Tokcan, O. Salih, T. Ulus, MS Topçuoğlu and H. Poyrazoğlu . "Left Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm Giving the Image of a Mass in the Left Lung" Turkish Cardiovascular Society VIII. National Congress, 94 EP11-03 Cappadocia, 1-5 September 2004.

Erdem, S., N. Özbarlas, O. Küçükosmanoğlu, H. Poyrazoğlu , GB Karakoç and OK Salih. "Scimitar Syndrome with Different Clinical Presentations" IV. National Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress,87 P-014 Kayseri 6-9 October 2004.
E4.Özbarlas, N., S. Erdem, H. Poyrazoğlu, O. Küçükosmanoğlu and OK Salih. "A Rare Connection: Congenital Aorta-Left Atrial Tunnel" IV. National Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress,103 ​​P-067 Kayseri 6-9 October 2004
E5. Erdem,S., N. Özbarlas, O. Küçükosmanoğlu, H.Poyrazoğlu , and OK Salih,''Evaluation of Myocardial Performance Index in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot, Who Had Complete Corrective Surgery, by Pulsed Wave Tissue Doppler Echocardiography''V. National Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress, Antalya (oral presentation), 16-18 November 2005
E6. Poyrazoglu, H., MK Avşar, F. Tor, I. Bayraktar, Z. Duman and M. Topçuoğlu, ''A Different Approach in Reduced Trouser Grafts, 2 Cases'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November, 2006.
E7. Poyrazoğlu, H. , F. Tor, M. Avşar, Ü. Tuncer, S. Özdemir and A. Tokcan, ''Early Developing Trachea Innominate Fistula'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November, 2006.
E8. Poyrazoğlu, H. , M. Avşar, F. Tor and M. Topçuoğlu, ''Bilateral Popliteal Entrapment Syndrome'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November, 2006.
E9. Poyrazoglu, H., M. Avşar, F. Tor, Z. Duman, and O. Salih, ''The Use of Shelhigh Internal Mammarian Artery Graft in Patients with Aortopulmonary Shunt: Early Results'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1- November 5, 2006.
E10. Poyrazoğlu, H. , F. Tor, M. Avşar, U. Göçen, İ. Bayraktar and T. Ulus, ''Giant Left Atrial Thrombus in Morbid Obese Patient'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November, 2006.
E11. Poyrazoğlu, H. , F. Tor, M. Avşar, B. Çiftçi, Ş. Yıldırım and M. Topçuoğlu, "Cardiac Injury in a Patient Stabbed from the Paravertebral Region", Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November, 2006.

E12. Poyrazoğlu, H.
 , F. Tor, M. Avşar, M. Topçuoğlu and T. Ulus, ''Surgical Treatment in 3 Cases of Cardiac Aneurysm with Insufficient Ventricular Function and Rhythm Problem'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November, 2006.

E13. Poyrazoglu, H.
, F. Tor, U. Göçen, S. Erdem, N. Özbarlas, and O. Salih, ''A Case with Tetralogy of Fallot with Left Course of Venous System'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November , 2006.
E14. Poyrazoğlu, H. , M. Avşar, F. Tor, S. Yıldırım and O. Salih, ''Postoperative Diaphragmatic Paralysis in Two Pulmonary Banding Cases and Clinical Recovery After Surgical Repair'', Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, Antalya, 1-5 November, 2006.
E15. Erdem,S., N. Özbarlas, O. Küçükosmanoğlu, H.Poyrazoğlu , and OK Salih ''Exercise Test Results in the Mid-Term Follow-up of Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot who had All Corrective Surgery'''' VI. National Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress, Istanbul (oral presentation),
Poyrazoğlu, HH , F. Tor, MK Avşar, S. Erdem, N. Özbarlas and OK Salih, ''A New Technique in Off-pump Atrial Septostomy''' VI. National Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress, Istanbul, 11-14 October 2006.

Tanyeli, A., O. Salih, N. Özbarlas, S. Soyupak, H.Poyrazoğlu , İ. Bayram, S. Erdem, M. Sağıroğlu and F. Erbey, ''A Case Report with Osteosarcoma Detected Cardiac Metastasis'', 43rd Turkish Pediatric Congress, Bodrum, 16-20 May 2007.
E18. Parsak, CK, H.Poyrazoglu, O. Yalav, G. Sakman, and F. Doran, "A rare complication of abdominal aortic reconstructive surgery: Sigmoidal necrotic mucosal prolapse: First presentation in the literature". Çukurova Colo-Proctology and Stoma-Therapy Symposium, Abstract book, S112, Adana, 2007.

F. Other Publications and Activities:

FI. Certificates
1. EVAR Course Participation Certificate in the Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm , Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.
2. Certificate of Participation in the applied study program on TKK and Institutional Culture in Health Institutions , Ministry of National Education-TUBITAK Turkey Industry Management Institute (TÜSSIDE) and Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine Collaboration, 17-20 April 2006, Gebze, Istanbul,

3. Advanced Powerpoint Techniques Course Certificate of Participation
 , Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine

4th Çukurova Cardiology 1st Update Meeting Certificate of Participation

Scientific Meetings Attended as Speaker / Trainer (in date order)
1. Trauma and Resuscitation Course: Diagnosis and Treatment of Hemopnomothorax, Tension Pneumothorax. March 8, Adana, 2005.

2. Trauma and Resuscitation Course:
 Thorax tube application, , thorax radiographs. March 9, Adana, 2005.


FIII. Scientific Courses Attended:

1. Venous Insufficiency Course Participation Certificate, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, September 4, 2004.
2. Basic Statistics e-Course. 2007, Marmara Health Education Research Foundation and AI Pharmaceutical Industry Cooperation

Cardiac CV Surgery

Cardiac CV Surgery




Dear visitor,
You can contact us for information about Professor Doctor Hakan Poyrazoğlu and his team, one of the most valuable surgeons in Turkey in the field of heart diseases and surgical procedures. Meet with Çukurova University and Medline Hospitals Cardiovascular Surgery team. Please call for your questions.





Αγαπητέ επισκέπτη,
Μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας για πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον καθηγητή Γιατρό Hakan Poyrazoğlu και την ομάδα του, έναν από τους πιο πολύτιμους χειρουργούς στην Τουρκία στον τομέα των καρδιακών παθήσεων και των χειρουργικών επεμβάσεων. Συναντηθείτε με την ομάδα Καρδιαγγειακής Χειρουργικής του Πανεπιστημίου Çukurova και της Medline Hospitals. Καλέστε για τις ερωτήσεις σας.




Уважаемый посетитель,
Вы можете связаться с нами для получения информации о профессоре докторе Хакане Пойразоглу и его команде, одном из самых ценных хирургов в Турции в области сердечных заболеваний и хирургических процедур. Встретьтесь с командой сердечно-сосудистой хирургии Университета Чукурова и больницы Medline. Пожалуйста, звоните по вашим вопросам.




Lieber Besucher,
Sie können uns kontaktieren, um Informationen über Professor Dr. Hakan Poyrazoğlu und sein Team zu erhalten, einen der wertvollsten Chirurgen in der Türkei auf dem Gebiet der Herzerkrankungen und chirurgischen Eingriffe. Treffen Sie sich mit dem Team für Herz-Kreislauf-Chirurgie der Universität Çukurova und des Medline Hospitals. Bitte rufen Sie uns für Ihre Fragen an.






بازدید کننده محترم
برای کسب اطلاعات در مورد پروفسور دکتر هاکان پویرازوغلو و تیمش یکی از جراحان ارزشمند ترکیه در زمینه بیماری های قلبی و روش های جراحی می توانید با ما تماس بگیرید. با تیم جراحی قلب و عروق دانشگاه Çukurova و بیمارستان Medline ملاقات کنید. لطفا برای سوالات خود تماس بگیرید.




عزيزي الزائر ،
يمكنك الاتصال بنا للحصول على معلومات حول البروفيسور الدكتور هاكان بويراز أوغلو وفريقه ، أحد أكثر الجراحين قيمة في تركيا في مجال أمراض القلب والعمليات الجراحية. قابل فريق جراحة القلب والأوعية الدموية بجامعة جوكوروفا ومستشفيات ميدلاين. يرجى الاتصال لأسئلتك.

